Need help choosing an
exhaust system? Try our collection of exhaust sound clips.
Assembled by
Custom Exhaust of Amarillo Texas.
No unverified posts,
actual recordings from our shop.
You can find pictures of these vehicles, and the
systems at
It is not our intent to go into great detail as far as
engine modifications, and other variables,
as this tends to be overly complicated and confusing.
And it is our experience that for comparison
purposes, such detail is unnecessary.
In general, like engines (V-10
- V-8 - 6 cyl etc.) of similar displacement, with like systems,
( Muffler type - X-Pipe -
H-Pipe - with or without Converters etc.)
regardless of race - color - or national origin,
sound, for comparison purposes - alike.
The muffler is the main factor in determining sound.
It may also be the most
While there are perhaps hundreds of brands of mufflers,
can all be grouped into three basic designs:
Click for brief descriptions :
- Resonant Tuning Chamber
- Straight Thru
Our Current Collection of Sound Files.
For accurate comparison,
all files recorded with Sony digital stereo recorder,
edited with Audacity and converted to
More coming as avaliable.